International Learning
We are incredibly proud of the international offering of the school and the collaborative opportunities it provides for our pupils, staff and wider stakeholders. Our school works closely with outside agencies and secures funding from a variety of additional funding streams to deliver our International Learning Strategy.
This strategy supports us in developing an outward-looking school community, keen to learn from best practice all over the world and one that is confident in sharing our own approaches, pedagogy and practice with others.
International Learning Strategy - Medi 2024
British Council - International School Award
British Council - International School Award (Foundation)
We were delighted to have been awarded the British Council International School Award (Foundation) in January 2025. During feedback, our assessor found that:
The application from All Saints' School is good and meets the criteria for the Foundation level of the International School Award. The school has already incorporated a global perspective in the curriculum to develop ‘ethical global citizens’. The International Strategy’s action plan includes both engagement with the wider community and the assessment of impact, using tools such as surveys.
It was good to see how you have extended the professional development links with the school in Reykjavik into your Year 3/4 classroom activities to support learning about different cultures. I thought your Antarctic Adventures project for Years 1 and 2 provided exciting real-life cross-curricular learning, with consideration being given to global issues, such as climate change.
The Year 6 trips to Singapore have many activities designed to deepen pupils’ awareness, understanding and appreciation of difference. Identifying the curricular preparation and follow-up for these trips is important in assessing the relevance them to developing an international perspective.
All Saints' School may already be able to apply for the Intermediate level immediately or very soon because this is based on activities which have already taken place.
I have much enjoyed reading your application. All Saints' School has made an excellent start on its international journey. I wish you every success.
Antarctic Adventures
Singapore - Mawrth 2025
Our Year 6 pupils have an incredible visit planned to Singapore in March 2025. During this visit they will be visiting local schools, experiencing the culture of Singapore and sharing their experiences of living in Wales.
Brighton College
We are very excited to be visiting Brighton College whilst in Singapore. Our pupils have been linked up with 'pen pals' in the school and look forward to learning Mandarin with them as part of their visit.
Eton House Broadrick
One of the schools we will be visiting is Eton House Broadrick. You can see some of their newsletters which have been shared with us below.