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Wellbeing and ensuring a culture of safety for all is very important to us at Ysgol yr Holl Saint - All Saints' School. We utilise the PASS (Pupil Attitude to School and Self) Survey to help give us a picture of pupil wellbeing at three levels; whole school, class/cohort and individual. By understanding wellbeing at these three levels and by using other information such as attendance and progress data, we can ensure timely and evidence-based interventions are put in place either by the school or outside agencies to best support our pupils and their families.

You can find out more regarding some of the interventions, how we use these in the context of the '5 Ways to Wellbeing' and the models of support that we use by clicking on the links below.

My Happy Mind

We use the My Happy Mind Programme across the school as a central pillar of our Health & Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience offer. The programme centres on helping pupils to understand the psychology of their brain, to understand mental health and wellbeing and use this understanding to promote positive mental health.

We are proud to announce that we are a My Happy Mind Bronze Accredited school!

This means that as a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities. We have created a whole school culture that helps build our children's resilience, confidence and self-esteem as well as teaching them how to self-regulate in those stressful times. 

This Accreditation badge has been awarded as thanks for all of the effort our staff, children, governors and parents/carers have put in to bring the lessons of My Happy Mind to life all around our school!